Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Book Discussion

I am currently reading the Janet Evanovich "number" series. "One for the Money", "Two for the Dough", etc. I'm actually on "Ten Big Ones" so I am closer to being finished. I enjoy the books. They are a quick read and don't take a lot of energy or leave me emotionally drained. Great Summer reading.

I had a question about what was going to happen "next" (a few books ago). So I got on the Internet and googled the answer. This took me to a site that had some reader comments. I have to laugh at the comments. One person couldn't stand how bad the main character was at her job. She said it was a stupid book and that if it were real life, the main character would never make it...well Duh. That is at least part of the reason why it's a funny read.

So the main character, Stephanie Plum, blackmails her Uncle into giving her a job as a Bond Enforcement Agent, or Bounty Hunter. She is given a few easy cases and isn't expected to last very long. Well, miraculously, she is able to bring in the people she is suppose to be bringing in. It isn't always pretty (most of the time it's down right ugly), but she always manages to get the job done. Her skills do not increase much over the books, but through luck or divine intervention, she continues with the job.

If she actually got a lot better during the series and became a hard core bounty hunter that everyone took seriously, the book wouldn't be funny anymore. So she has to bumble, stumble, and mud wrestle her way through! She is COMIC get over it and enjoy the fun.

One other comment from that website was about Stephanie's love interests. She is Seeing/Dating/On again off again with this cop named Joe. She grew up with Joe and they have a history. But they drive each other crazy, so their love life does not go smoothly. This not so smooth love life leaves room for Ranger. Ranger is another Bounty Hunter that works for Stephanie's cousin. But Ranger is good...really good. He goes after the serial killers and other guys who would eat Stephanie for lunch. So she is attracted to Ranger, and over several books Ranger shows his interest in her...helped on by some "Off again" time with Joe.

The person who made the comment (same person who thought Stephanie was an idiot who should have been killed in the line of duty long ago) complains about Stephanie's "Ho-ness". She wonders how Stephanie can keep going back and forth from one guy to the other. How can she have feelings for both guys, and why would either of these men like this idiot?

All I have to say me one high school or college girl who hasn't had feelings for two men and the same time! It's not that hard to be attracted to more than one person at once. And from the descriptions of these two leading men, I would be right there in Stephanie's emotional shoes...And how can both of those guys like Stephanie "the idiot"? Guys are not always known for there best judgement when it comes to women...that's all I've got to say about that!

Love the books, will be sad when I read the most recently published one and have to wait for the next one. I hate waiting.

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