Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, on the Facebook, there is this application called FarmVille. You go in, set up a character, and then you are given 6 little plots of land to till and plant seeds on. Seeds cost $$ which you earn by helping other farmers, winning the daily lottery, harvesting crops, and tending to animals.

I don't remember how much $$ (Farm Coins) I had to start with, but I was right away able to buy seeds to plant my 6 patches of field. I also received a cherry tree as a gift from Mary. Jess has sent me 2 Pomegranate trees (they take a very long time to grow). You can buy trees, but they are very expensive, so I think I will get most trees as gifts from friends. Trees can be harvested for their fruit. I also got a pig, a sheep, and a chicken as gifts. I bought my own cow.

Diana sent me a black sheep to adopt. I bought a little bit of fencing, a water trough, and a bale of hay. Someone gifted me a picnic table.

Crops that you plant actually take real time to grow. Technically 3 days is the longest amount of real time, but they don't grow right away. So I planted my crops, and now I have to wait for everything to grow. I did learn this morning that I have to plow my own new little plots of land. I thought you had to have 8 neighbors to buy some new land. So at lunch today I need to go home and figure out how to get more land. Because without more land, I will never be able to buy a barn or more animals.

I should get to 8 neighbors before too long...because we are making Angelica play...she has no choice.

I also started Mafia wars, but that's another topic for another day.

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